Mini Bowling

A bowling alley suitable for smaller establishments, e.g.: Hotels, restaurants, Cafeterias and Pubs, etc


1. We provide a standard bowling alley of lenght 8,70 m., with a maximum height of 1,65 m., and width of 1,15 m. To individually fit each site we provide extension units, of 2,5 m. length.

2. We have an automatic counter for 1 to 6 players. The international system of play; with 10 bowls in each game, completely automatic.

3. Automatic scoreboard indicating bowling pins down and their respective numbers.

4. Control of play by time or completed games.

5. A running total is kept of bowling pins down.

6. The machine replaces, for the second throw, bowling pins which have not been knocked down by 1st bowl.

7. Voltage single-phase with an electrical output of 0,2 kW, runs on 220 V

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